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Can I cash out to my Coinbase instant card?

No, you must first sell your crypto to your GBP, Euro, or USD wallet. After you have money in your GBP, Euro, or USDwallet, you can cash out to your card. Are there limits? There are no Coinbase limits for Instant Card Cashouts, but your card may have limits.

How does Coinbase calculate a Cashout or crypto purchase?

Before confirming a cashout or crypto purchase with such funds, Coinbase will always tell you when those funds or crypto will be available to send off of Coinbase or cash out to your bank. The amount will be calculated based on many factors, which include your account history, payment activity, and transaction history.

Can I still buy & sell on Coinbase?

You can still buy, sell, and trade within Coinbase. However, you'll need to wait until any existing Coinbase account holds or restrictions have expired before you can cash out with your bank account. Withdrawal-based limit holds typically expire at 4 pm PST on the date listed.

What are instant card cashouts?

Instant Card Cashouts allow eligible Coinbase customers to instantly cash out from your local currency wallet directly to your Visa Fast Funds-enabled credit and debit cards.

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